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How-to Voodoo & Hoodoo Classes + Workshops.+Events
Public & Private
Voodoo Classes Empower, Strengthen & Connect You!
Take a one-on-one Voodoo workshop, designed with you, the student in mind . Let us design one just for you OR you can come share in some of our handed down Swamp magic group outings to get your feet wet and readied for New Orleans Voodoo ! Let your teacher priestess show the way through her apprenticeship old school style. Since all students are not on the same level, subject matter changes as needed for it is necessary for a strong foundation! Voodoo Queen Bloody Mary shares an Insiders Marie Laveau tradition with a dash of Hoodoo too!
Don't exptect chalk board and power point, you will have to listen, take notes and do homework Get your hands dirty! Bloody Mary's method is organic, in the field and from the source. Learn and do seance and paranormal helps you develop your intuition & learn how to serve the ancestors and the spirit world with strength. compassion and no fear - Sat and Sun 7-9pm + pop-up Voodoo & Mystic mini classes in my voodoo shop! Bloody Mary loves to meet and get to know the people she teaches but also offers Voodoo Home school!

Get your feet wet first with individual Voodoo Workshops and Classes as detailed below or start seriously delving deeper into New Orleans Voodoo by graduating to the entire Voodoo Retreat. Choose your academic endeavor and call for details:
Swamp Magic 101
The Voodoo Academy
Voodoo Spirit Retreats
Gather raw power, transform and create with New Orleans Swamp Magic!
Full day, night or, even, an overnight experience. This is similar to the Psychic Soul VIP Experience half day extended and the full New Orleans Voodoo Retreat, ritual workings focusing on the raw simple folk magic, all the elements featuring: head washing, training seminar on cleansing, grounding, rebirthing, collecting and communing with nature . then hands on potions, and tools portions and ending with a departure empowerment blessing ceremony.
New Orleans LIVE ZOOM Voodoo classes direct to you at home from New Orleans are ready to Book Now! Come finally learn the Insiders New Orleans Voodoo. Share Bloody Mary's Organic style apprenticeship classes privately for you and yours! Buy single or bundled recordings with email questions answered or Take the Sat "in the field" Voodoo City tour or book private classes or retreats. She works in graveyard, at altars and the river actually in the city of New Orleans. We will work with the spirit of place and our patron Spirit, Marie Laveau. Let us create a private class for your level . If you want empowerment strength and connection Spiritual coaching with Voodoo training with priestess leadership is the way!

Potions & Candle Burning Workshop
Voodoo Doll Making Workshop
Meet our misunderstood friend and befriend the true power in the effigy known as the Voodoo Doll. Why do we dread it? Why do we fear it? Is it black magic and all that jazz? Find out the answers and more when we banish your fears away and make this powerful ally. Maybe you need it to help you through life’s trials and tribulations, maybe you need it to heal your aching back or bring back a lover. There are so many ways to use this surrogate use it like a vision board or it can be a guide, a guard, or an ancestor too! Learn the craft part AND the mystical part as we awaken the spirit within both of you!
Custom classes are available just for you or your private group. On site or off site at home or ZOOM , materials and instructions provided by a trained priestess.
NOTE: Doll-making is part of the Saturday Noon Voodoo city outing, privately or everyday at the Voodoo Doll Bar!

She offers unique personal conjure and power site outings and full Voodoo retreats. Book one of our specialty premier class for you to your group privately in NOLA or on ZOOM. We also offer Saturday in the field small group outings in NOLA, Book the Voodoo city tour and try the monthly free, talks for you to join in person. This Matriarch shares certain secrets to you and helps you ready your path to initiation. "I am old school & teach as I learned- as an apprentice by watching, doing and listening to elders & direct to spirit. This info is gathered from a lifetime of dedicated practice in New Orleans .
Schedule your Marie Laveau Mysteries:
New Orleans Voodoo intensives
Offering intro pro New Orleans voodoo with
Power site ritual field trip intensives Private rituals ,readings & classes customized for you
Each phase is different and can follow ou home with homework and online zoom home school classes, recordings , or special design custom one on one classes!
when you come to NOLA you can choose some group events orYour own private retreat!
Call to start Stage one: full day or overnight deluxe treatment with workshops, classes, services and a full mystic hand-designed itinerary just for you. Please call to get started.
She offers unique personal conjure and power site outings and full Voodoo retreats. Book one of our specialty premier class for you to your group privately in NOLA or on ZOOM. We also offer Saturday in the field small group outings in NOLA, Book the Voodoo city tour and try the monthly free, talks for you to join in person.
Lets learn the basics on candle dressing , prepping and burning PLUS how to annotint and where for your potions and how to connect .
You will ge to kep some annointed candles and get secret tips too!
Book now & learn how to attract $ remove obstacles, identify & plug leaks to seal in your abundance! Discover Energy work, folk magic, Voodoo, hoodoo and conjure the prosperity and attraction you deserve.
Bloody Mary 's Tours, Haunted Museum, Voodoo SPirit SHop,Psychic Spa & Parantmal Center
826 & 828 N Rampart St NOLA
@BloodyMary NOLA @HauntedmuseumNOLA Subscribe YouTube @bloodymaryneworleans
Bloody Mary Haunted Museum Annex
Voodoo paranormal Studio
New Orleans Voodoo Cabildo
at the Historic Home of Marie Laveau
by appointment only
1022 St. Ann street NOLA
504-915-7774 & 504-909-6666
Tours and events meet at Museum & Privates meet our site , your site or
this New one:
Dark Greetings and Many Thanks!

Bloody Mary's Tours, Haunted Museum,
Voodoo Shop & Psychic Spa & Paranormal center
826 & 828 N. Rampart St NOLA
@BloodyMary NOLA @HauntedmuseumNOLA Subscribe YouTube @bloodymaryneworleans

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