New Orleans Best Psychics & mystics unite in our Psychic Spa

Tarot•Bones • Séance • Past Lives • Cleansings • Energy Work
We strive to help the whole person and a holistic balance of body and soul. Let us even prescribe a personal metaphysical prescription + steps to follow up with at home. Most of our items are personally hand made just for you. Each of our adept Mystics has a special touch just their own best. We may ask you to trust the spirits advice! Our team is ready to navigate your needs with their spirit guides and yours at the helm.
Let us
In Bloody Mary’s Psychic Day Spa on site
at 828 N. Rampart Street in person or by phone
Take advantage of psychic readings at discount prices when you book is as an add on with our tour and then call for a time or perhaps you prefer to pick your favorite psychic adept from a variety of divination styles by appointment by phone, zoom or in person in a private suite. Maybe you deserve your own Psychic Spa-Soul day, in house, or a VIP Psychic Power site field trip!
We offer multiple style readings, energy work, folk magic, Cleansings , psychic healing, psychic development, classes. Chakra balancing, Voodoo spiritual advising , seance and more. Let the work we do, work with you for your “big picture” goals and success to manifest and multiply

book a private appointment for eclectic psychic styles or choose a combo whole Psychic
Spa Day option.
Our 30 minute options are one style , one person per session in person or by phone and out shorter version are available for your parties and outings!
Reserve our Seance & paranormal Experience, learn and do psychic connect circle & ghost hunt combo

Bloody Mary is your Psychic Life coach -celebrity Psychic Medium and Voodoo Mambo Asogwe offering holistic psychic sessions, Qui Gong energy healing, seership and is a full time priestess. She is an evidential psychic medium and does Seance and channeling, past life and ancestry work-spiritism style! Bloody Mary is a licensed hypnotist and Voodoo/Hoodoo ritual consultsant by individual appointments She offers psychic services for groups at psychic parties, weddings and conventions with her hand selected team
As a full rounded Mystic, spiritual healer and certified hypnotherapist, Bloody Mary will consult with spirit guides, angels, ancestors and the Loa directly to help your soul for guidance and healings. As a clairvoyant, clair-sentinent, Bloody Mary may lend prophesy and synthesize through a sort of psychic x-ray which may reveal spiritual, emotional and physical blocks to your spiritual wellbeing so they may be faced. Lets face the shadow and integrate and embrace the inner child. We also Glimpse into the akashic records and begin transformation and integrate your past lives
As a teacher and Life coach she can help you open your own psychic abilities in order to help you heal yourself. Empowerment and teaching are the main goals. She is a priestess who lives a life of Spiritualism offering help for you to treat the root of the issue as well as the symptoms in order to heal . If your diagnosis requires more than spirit alignment you may be prescribed homework or offered a spirit tool such as a gris-gris, bag, cleansing bath or other further ritual workings. please get appointment well in advance.
Bloody Mary is an ordained Mambo Asogwe (priestess) of La Source Ancienne Hounfo in La Nouvelle Orleans of Haitian Voodoo, Voodoo Queen of Creole New Orleans Voodoo, Yaya Nkisi Malongo of Palo Mayombi, Mamaissi of the RIver , traituer ABH certified and registered hypnotherapist, Traituer (creol cajun healer) ordained minister of Ordo Templo Verdius, Reverend mother of the Universal Church, Knight priest of the Mystic Knighthood of the Crowned Heart, a QiGong and Kuji-In healer of Hindu and Mahayana Buddhist Oriental esoteric traditions, master energy healer, twinned priestess with Foxwood Temple of the Old Religion. Coming from a Roman Catholic background with three centuries deep New Orleans ancestral roots are pieces that guide the forces in her work. Local Houma Indian and Lakota teachers have also been a part of her studies to deepen the pool of her shamanic contributions with New Orleans Voodoo. Her learning has been an interdisciplinary, deconstructive and reconstructive process from the roots of New Orleans Voodoo and tight by elders and spirt mothers and godparents..
Bloody Mary now offers reservation only, in person, by phone, zoom or email readings for those who seek her psychic healing services. Using her own psychic ability and her connection to the spirits she can lead you to the answers you seek.
Mambo Gina and Shaman Andi are our premier in-house Psychics who work with the Bloody Mary team available by appointment.
Most of our full mediumship readings and psychic healings by Bloody Mary and team, psychic symposiums and classes are by appointment in advance. We also card readings and packages for during business hours and are always happy to assist you with our full array of mystical products.
“The Spirit of Place, the river and her children of the Swamp blend in heavily with my healing work –
work in the river and on the green at sacred sites. In other words, nature spirit guides and the ancestral.”
– Bloody Mary
“I can help you navigate through rough waters, to calm seas with open sails and seal damages incurred along the way. I am but the hollow bone, a conduit of energy from the source.”
– Bloody Mary
Check our Adept teachers and traveling readers join us as special guests for multiple styles divination appointments. in everything: Mediums, Shamans, Faery seership , the old religion, Celtic priests, and healers of all types- Call us to see who visiting us when you are nearfor in our readings or festival events
By Reservation Only $89
Seance, Spiritualism, Psychics and Ghost hunting Combo
Held in the New Orleans Victorian Séance Parlor
at Bloody Mary’s Haunted Museum at 828 N. Rampart Street
Saturday and Sundays
7pm-9:30 pm
OR private times

call now for daily Psychic readings | specialty divinations by appointment

psychic mediums | past life | tarot | tea | bones | reiki |
qui gong | pet psychic
consult, clean & clear · banishings · hoodoo · baptisms · love work · weddings

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Hire one of our Psychics to liven up your party!
We dazzle thousands at New Orleans Events and partie. Let us come to liven up your party! Our psychics for hire can come right to you! We plan a full theme party or psychics only – Party here at Bloody Mary's place or yours!
You can choose to co-channel and commune with spirits in parties, private sessions or group Séances. A wandering whisperer could psychically mingle in the party and pull a card, inspect a palm, dab on some potion or maybe even offer guest a wish blessing gris-gris! You will always want to include the tried and true traditional psychic table & We have so many options to add on
In Bloody Mary’s Psychic Day Spa on site
at 828 N. Rampart Street or ZOOM
Take advantage of psychic readings at discount prices when you book with your tour resevervaion for your 30 minute readings perhaps you prefer to pick your favorite psychic adept from a variety of divination styles by appointment by phone , zoom or in person in a private suite. Maybe you the full psychic healings pr even deserve a whole Psychic Spa-Soul day, in house or on localion at a power site or at home by skype or zoom
We offer multiple style medicines, energy healings, folk magic, remedy baths and some psychic life coaching spiritual work. Let the work we do, work with you for your “big picture” goals and successes. And yes, you have to participate so there is homework to continue to clear blocks and move forward.
Choose from Tarot cards, bone throwin', seance, runes, palm readings, Reiki, Qui Gong & Mediumship coupled with many other mystic methods. When people come for psychic readings and Spiritual work it is usually in crisis situations. Let's try a more preventative medicine approach with our Priestess & metaphysical life coaches to Identify issues- past, present and ancestral. We realign and relieve trauma with uncrossings, banishings and cleansing in the mix for a focused fresh start!
You can trust Psychic readings by Bloody Mary and her hand-selected Mediums & Mystics. Are you ready for a Psychic Tune up - whether you just need a quick check up or a complete overhaul, let us advise you. Meet New Orleans best psychics, mediums and healers in our full service Metaphysical center, 1 on 1 or group encounters, for intuitive channeling, sutomatic writing, cleansings, energy work, psychic X-ray, Past lives, hypnosis & soul empowerment sessions. Our place or yours, or on the phone
Join a Psychic circle, for a "Learn & do" spirit connect: Ancestors | Friends | Guides | Past lives + Ghosts all by reservation only.
Sister Melissa
Melissa is a native New Orleanian and has both indigenous and Sicilian blood . Her grandmother was the Houma tribe's medicine woman and is Melissa's spirit guide. She shares her intuition through tarot and listens to the whispers of her ancestors. and will have a glimpse at your palm too!
Psychic Medium, automatic writing, crystal ball, Channeling + Voodoo Mambo
Adept Tarot Master and Local born Occultist Edwin Curry is a family member and our psychic reader at the museum. He is here for your daiky needs! Edwin has lived in The French Quarter all his adult life, He has hob knobed with the likes of ole bohmeian artists, and musicians like Dr. John, he shared a shop with the famed witch Onedi tourps in the 70's and swapped stories with Tennesee Williams and even lives in his old home where he greets ghost of Tennesese by the pool! Edwin learned from the greats and knows New Orleans from the core- Let him share his insight with you!
Bloody Mary Experience
Haunted Museum
828 N Rampart St .NOLA 70116
Voodoo Queen Bloody Mary
Mambo Regina is a native born New Orleanian and a Mambo Asogwe in Haitian Voodoo tradition, New Orleans Voodoo priestess, Hoodoo witch, Master reiki healer. animal psychic. and tarot! She also practices Strega Sicilian witchcraft and does some candle magic for you! She is available by appointment only and you may see her at our rituala, fectivals and reaidng cards for you ar our psychic parties!
Our in house New Orleans Voodoo priestess Sammy, is also my protege and assistant Haitian Voodoo Hounsi resident Love Lady. She might take a look at your palm bless and wake your voodoo doll or even marry you someday! All is in her realm. She is oan wedding officiant out in house dollmaker and party helper who makes the event as beautiful as she is!
Janelle is an intuirive Empath Tarot and crystal reader who is also clairaudient she is a recent traspamt to New Olreans but been doing professional psychic readings for over 2o years. Dhe grew up in Michagan but spenct summers in New Orleans for her formative childhood years with her Aunties who exposed her to the old ways and the mysteries of Voodoo and Marie Laveau. Janelle's lifelong dream was to move here and she now has! Jannelle is apprentice to vooodoo queen Bloody Mary as priestess and in Mediumship and on path to Voodoo initiaition; a religion she has been devotee to for over 20 years! By her own words.
" I love love" so it is no surprise she is dedicated to Erzuli and also does Tea & Tarot parties for all but especially our Bacheloretters. Candle magic is part of her repitoire!
1 on 1 Psychic Readings
Parties with Live Psychics
Mambo KJ
Voodoo Mambo Asogwe K.J. Is your Psychic scribe, She is a medium who works as an automatic wirier and is also a ghost hunter who will connect you with spirit . Her spirit guides connect with yours and channels direct messages and delivers revealing insights into your situation! Mambo KJ is also a Haitian Mambo Osagwe . She also partners with us for in Bloody Mary New Orleans voodoo house! She is a social butterfly and owns the Dauphine House B & B which is haunted! (you should stay there)
Mambo Gina
Priestess Samantha
Witch, Jewish mystic, Tarot expert
Rune reader & mediumship
She's a witch and maybe a sorceress who will read your tarot to the tee. She also makes and uses Nordic methods of runes and oracle decks to.match the occation. add a little healing and possible spell work homework and some cleasnings and it is Soersha that you want. She is a French Quarter resident and 15 years as a psychic
Mambo KJ
Adept Occultist Edwin
Voodoo Queen Bloody Mary
Your local born 11th generation Creole healer, psychic medium, Hypnotherapist, psychopomp, necromancer, bone throwin, channeler, ghost whisperer, auto writer, Past lives, Qui gong +
Check our Adept teachers and traveling readers join us as special guests for multiple styles divination appointments. in everything: Mediums, Shamans, Faery seership , the old religion, Celtic priests, and healers of all types- Call us to see who visiting us when you are nearfor in our readings or festival event
Delve deep into the many meithods of our Psychics- Meet our adepts
Seance & Paranormal Adventure
Voodoo Queen Bloody Mary
Master Occultist Edwin
The Native born, Swamp-raised Native American Houma tribe Tarot Reader and apprentice Shaman
Voodoo Piestess, Officiant, healer and love specialist

Juliet explored her psychic gifts as a young child but became her life journey , and afterlife! Juliet's unique and gentle approach is still with her on the other side.She was a Professional Psychic for over twenty years, specializing in Mediumship, Tarot, Channeling, Tea Leaf Readings, Palmistry and Crystal Ball Readings. Her favorite specialty was Karmic Astrology! Psychic Juliet was our head psyhic at the Haunted Museum who passed suddenly in June 2022 ! Right near the end She told me she was ready to work. She is still with us now as a true Angel seer. She is dearly missed though we see her spirit!
You cant make an appointment with her but she does pop in and add angel whispers to some readings. We have a memorial for her in the museum!
Angel Seer Juliet

Bloody Mary's Tours, Haunted Museum, Voodoo Pharmacy shop, Psychic Spa & Paranormal center
826 & 828 N. Rampart St, NOLA
@BloodyMary NOLA @HauntedmuseumNOLA Subscribe YouTube @bloodymaryneworleans
All public events and spiritual services meet here:
Dark Greetings and Many Thanks!

Bloody Mary's Tours, Haunted Museum,
Voodoo Shop & Psychic Spa & Paranormal center
826 & 828 N. Rampart St NOLA
@BloodyMary NOLA @HauntedmuseumNOLA Subscribe YouTube @bloodymaryneworleans

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