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Discover your own Evidence
at the Haunted Museum
“I created the original Paranornaml center witth a ghost gallery of paranormal photos, video and audio evidence displayed in a haunted out building in the French Quarter.”
Bloody Mary opened America’s first Ghost Gallery in 1999 in her Spirit Realm in New Orleans. Her grand opening debut was for “Art for Art’s Sake” in 1999 with a permanent paranormal gallery as part of the Voodoo Museum. She brought tens of thousands of visitors there and her private haunted homes for tours, séance, and paranormal investigations til l2005. After Hurricane Katrina, the Ghost Photo Gallery became mobile and part of a pop-up traveling Haunted Museum and Paranormal Center for conventions, parties and events throughout the USA. The collection resided in her private home for special viewings and ghost hunts on the Ghost Town Tour and is now a permanent para public display in her Haunted Museum at 828 N. Rampart.
Bloody Mary's Ghost Gallery is heart of the Paranormal center of the Haunted Museum! For your viewing, included with any Bloody Mary after hours experience or on Haunted Museum daytime visits. Book a Hands-on Victorian Seance, small group Ghost Hunting, full city cemetery combos or all alone on Custom private events, with no one but us.
Submit your Ghost Photos & Videos
from your Bloody Mary Experience!
Capture your own specter on film? Contribute to Bloody Mary's ghost photo collection by uploading your photo and story online!

Enjoy our spectral evidence from Bloody Mary’s Ghost Gallery & Ghost Hunts! and discover your. own on our hands on experiences!
Come investigate in the Bloody Mary Ghost Gallery, view her haunted collection, peruse and examine case studies in haunted locations, on tours, ghost hunts and in our brick and mortar Haunted Museum. Explore hands-on, direct connection ITC sessions seance, tours, hunts , seance 1 on ine sessions and workshops. Share ghost photos, EVP, PSI & other spirit evidence.

Henry and Joan take the Bloody Mary tour and celebrate on Bourbon Street.
Paranormal Video Evidence:
Inside Bloody Mary's Shop
EVP- Paranormal Evidence:
"My best Class One EVP is caught during the filming of The Smart Show and shares the clearest, most dramatic EVP we have recorded. The sound came though the professional sound equipment from the production company filming this tourist segment on the show right after I opened the gates in my haunted voodoo temple area. Many EVPs are indiscernible and difficult to translate. Some EVP are simply distorted sounds that humans stretch their minds to make fit in as intelligent responses and can be classified as a Carpenter effect or patterning; some are real. Many are available to hear firsthand in the Ghost Gallery at the Haunted Museum in addition to the online Ghost Gallery."
-Bloody Mary
EVP- Paranormal Evidence:
"Video evidence of spirit energy in an orb shower in the first clip is in my home in my Voodoo parlor. This occurred during a spirit connection ITC session, ceremony and ghost hunt right when we were abandoning attempts to connect in that room and readying to leave to another. The spirits were all leaving too. The Altar area is extremely sensitive and responds better to shamanic and psychic approaches than modern paranormal devices. The bedroom responds to both, so we finished our ghost adventures in that adjoining room."
-Bloody Mary
at Bloody Mary's Haunted Museum.
EVP Audio Recording
of Talking Spirits 2019
"I do address the spirits formally and cordially to open the way as well as say goodbye and close the gates at the end; this is not only polite but ceremonially prudent. I practice safe supernatural sessions and thereby teach and provide protection for my guests and greater connection. I take this all seriously, this is all real! I also try to put my guest investigators in the same receptive mode, and remind heavily, no provoking. This guy usually provokes but he didn’t and did indeed connect!"
-Bloody Mary
"There are times that you actually hear disembodied voices and sounds and there are other times that this evidence is only captured on a recorder. Voices come through some form of electronic ghost ITC equipment like Ghost Boxed, P-sb7, a Paracon, Ovulus & Geobox or apps or sites like Echovox, Ghost Radar and Steve Huff’s SCD-1.
The experience is more powerful in my opinion when it is a direct voice phenomenon (DVP) than only an electronic Voice phenomenon (EVP), but the trend in the now in paranormal investigations is EVP evidence.
I lead many guests into Paranormal multi-sensory experiences of DVP and EVP when we go on our ghost adventures. On Ghost hunts and Ghost town tours, Direct voices are still heard often right alongside touching and even tossing! “Apports” are tossed and do occur frequently, these are usually coins and stones thrown through the dimensions."
-Bloody Mary
This video is an example of one of the recent EVPs caught on audio which includes the voices of a little girl named Gwen and a few other spirits communicating with Bloody Mary and her team. Click the video to play the recording. Listen carefully.
EVP Audio Recording of "Zach"
When asked who is in the room, at the very end of this EVP recording, you can hear the male voice answer "Zack" one of the museum's thirteen resident ghosts.
Dark Greetings and Many Thanks!

Bloody Mary's Tours, Haunted Museum,
Voodoo Shop & Psychic Spa & Paranormal center
826 & 828 N. Rampart St NOLA
@BloodyMary NOLA @HauntedmuseumNOLA Subscribe YouTube @bloodymaryneworleans

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