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You deserve a Personal Tune-up: Spiritual Cleanses get to the Root!

We have a wide variety of spiritual services to offer, but they all begin with a psychic reading and spiritual consultation. As your Psychic life coach and healers we need your participation!

 Since no two situations are the same and no two people are the same, you deserve a unique remedy just for you.​ This is a Big Picture working not just treating symptoms, w mentoring

We blend our New Orleans Swamp Magic, Voodoo, Hoodoo, Conjure, Traiteur and Spiritualist techniques with Qui Gong energy work. We may prescribe shadow work with mystic psychic healing tools such as a ritual baths, anointing oils, altar building, candles, offerings, sacrifice, element balancing uncrossing and prayer. 

If you think this is all instant magic, then we are not the right people for you. We make no false promises or outlandish claims. It took a long time for your life or love to get where it is today, and you must participate in its healing. It is a step by step process and are here to guide you​ with remote mentoring  or  follow up  text or telegram.

Fire Bath & Purging

 5 elements healing

Head Wash

Spiritual Healing

Energy Healing

You are ready to rise agian and reclaim your rightful power! Purge the excess in your life to make way for the new. Rise! Get A fire bath to cleanse the aura, a fire purge to burn way the bad and a fire rebirth to rise again.  Fire is destructiion and clearing. We call on the energy of this intense element to do just that! We purge problems away & cleanse and sterilize the path for new beginnings . The great spirit of fire starts a transformative new chapter  for you. This is an add on ot any of Bloody Mary services.

 A deluxe refresher for mind, body and soul integration. We drain out what is not serving your highest good and a new beginning is yours . We impliment a four elements healing through fire, earth, air and water. There is  full aura egg cleanse,  head wash, fire bath, air smudges or earth purify. The we end and add the 5th element as We baptize you with spirit



Let us baptize you and reconnect your spirit though the head; a head washing to be exact. This serves as a type of baptism and strengthens your connection to the higher powers.​ There are many ways  from a gentle energy working with holy waters to sprinkle at your crown chakra  as an add on  to  any of our services  OR a full  ritual Voodoo Lave tet  to feed your head spirits and idently the spirits (loa) who are ready and close to work with you as your met tet.

Let us do a check up and see what’s going on with you. We will identify, uproot and bring hidden issues to the surface to begin your transformation. We will expose and remove what ails you to rebuild you. It may feel simple, but the process continues for the next 7-9 days. We will check on progress through dream analysis and mentor contact.

Draw and drain through the feet and aura. This marvelous part of our body not only carries us through life it draws negativity out of the body though the soles of the feet. We call and coax the energy cleansing; replenish and return it all anew through the foot wash!

Bloody Mary employs the ancient art of Qui Gong Kunji-en energy healing. She has earned knight-priest teacher level in this ancient Tibetian method. balance your chakras and see what might be the source of imbalance and aura rebuild- all in all we called a Psychic xray as we add our own folk magic twist and a bit of voodoo on top to offer you the best in energy work.​

Cord Cut & Clear Path




Dark Greetings and Many Thanks!





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       Bloody Mary's Tours, Haunted Museum, 

Voodoo Shop & Psychic Spa & Paranormal center
        826 & 828 N. Rampar
t St  NOLA  

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