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You can trust Psychic readings by Bloody Mary and her hand-selected Psychic Mediums & Mystics. Are you ready for your Psychic Tune-up? Whether you just need a quick check in or a complete overhaul let us advise you. Our Mystic wellness center is a full service Psychic Spa where New Orleans best Psychics are on staff to energetically navigate your needs with their spirit guides. Always keep your balance: Body & Soul.

 Each of our adept Psychic readers  has their personal spirit guides to assist you in your session and choose from many mystics We do readings for man or beast, living or dead! Our Pet Psychics love the fur babies and aid in communication with them and healings! Our sessions by appointment require 30 minutes + or we have Walk in reader du jour for 15 min shorter insights

 WE are ready to do all of our work  in person or by phone or Zoom !   Don't' wait till a crisis situation to get a psychic reading or spiritual work! We suggest a more preventative medicine approach by offering full holisttc healing methods! We are your metaphysical life coaches and strive for your clearest big picture long term success. This can include uncrossings and banishing for  your fresh start


Come get your insightful readingas with New Orleans Best Psychics! Walk in for a tarot reading,, book  a seance or reserve 1 on 1 mediumship in a private room  In advance maybe  do a  full psyhcihc turne up with Bloody Mary herself a personal combination of healings! tallored to your needs! Or We can  come to you tevent and bring ecclectic styles of psychic readers: tarot. palm readers,  past lives, runes, oracle readings , bone throwers,  hypnosis, energyy healing ++

Psychic readers, mediums

and healers


New by special request:

 We have our glorious seance rooom + 3 other private rooms inside the Haunted museum itself 826 & 828 N Rampart.

 Walk ins or by appt. You can request  one of our 3 private rooma for "by appointnment readings ,buyouts or after hours for the seance room and 1 new off sire option now available!

Most readings inside the Haunted museum,  826 and 828 N Rampart St. Walk ins or by appt. You can request  one of our 3 private rooma for  the by appointnment readings buyour ot after hours for the seance room and 1 new off sire option now available!




Dark Greetings and Many Thanks!





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       Bloody Mary's Tours, Haunted Museum, 

Voodoo Shop & Psychic Spa & Paranormal center
        826 & 828 N. Rampar
t St  NOLA  

@BloodyMary NOLA  @HauntedmuseumNOLA Subscribe YouTube  @bloodymaryneworleans 

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